dimarts, 27 de novembre del 2012





diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012

The fiscal swindle of the biggest multinacional

The Agencia Tributaria of Spain this year make a study about the taxation of multinacionals like Apple or Google and the study reveal a spooky quantity of money only 25 milions of euros 2 of the biggest companys in all the world.This companys use engineer fiscal and elude money to pay in taxations.The quantity of 25 milions of euros is a huge quantity of money for a normal person but for this  multinacionals it isn't nothing.

The spanish rich people is the more philantropic of the world

As a new study make it in Spain our rich people is the most solidary in Europe.The most solidary is Amancio Ortega the boss of the comercial mark Inditex with 126 milions of Euros this year for his foundation destinated to solidarity works.Amancio Ortega isn't the only solidary rich another celbrities like Miguel Bose or Alejandro Sanz also give money to the solidarity.Another rich people like the celebrities of Hollywood don't give money but go to the poor countrys and help them with only be there.And the musicians like Black eyed Peas record CD in favour to the poor people.


A study make it in Japan reveal,Japan is the country with the biggest index of suicides.The most  used method for suicide is jump when the train is on.This index is bigger when is Christmas for example or another kind of celebration.After Japan the second country with biggest index is in Europe Sweeden.In Japan normally 3 or 4 persons suicide every Monday for the Japanese people is normal.

dissabte, 24 de novembre del 2012


A recent study in the colleges of Spain say in the spanish college the number of girls is bigger than the number of boys.

In one hand, I'm a boy and I don't think this stadistic isn't a thing of intelligence but I study with girls and they are more hardworkers than the boys in return the boys are more lazys than the girls.For example the english blog many girls have it finished right now on the contrary of the boys,we let the work for the end and we have to work more.

In second hand,I think the majority of girls in class pay more attention than the boys.The boys normally are making jokes and waiting for go fast to home and make things with the friends.But I'm talking in general because also I saw very lazy girls in return of boys.

In conclusion I think the fight woman vs man never finish.


The last saturday 17 in the stadium Santiago Bernabeu Levante was playing against the Real Madrid.During the game in a very polemical action the number seven Cristiano Ronaldo or CR7 like the people say receive a poke of other player of the Levante.The poke impact in Cristiano Ronaldo's eye make him bleeding in the eye.After that the doctor's cure the eye of Cristiano.Finally the match finish with a very comfortable victory of the Real Madrid by 3-1.With a goal of Cristiano Ronaldo with only one eye.


Many people say the music isn't important for we and we can live if the music don't exist.

Firstly,the music isn't a biological need you can live if you don't listen.But the music for any people is so important because whent they feel sad or pass for bad times the music make them smile or feel good because in my opinion I think the music have a extrange power for make feel good the people.

Secondly,the music sometimes have very good messages for example:the song of Bob Marley get up,stand up!This song is a protest song for fight against the society and the injustices of the world and I think that's nice because this kind of songs give you the power for continue fighting against the injustices and this cruel world.

In conclusion the music is nice and I think myself may not be the same if the music don't exist.

Youth is the most important thing in the world

Youth is a stage of  life which society approvache a lot.

Firstly this stage of the life is not the most important stage of the life.Is truth in the youth you are beautiful and a full of energy but this stage have to be short because the good things finish.The other stages of life are important because when you live all this periods you can understand the life better because the time give you a better perspective of all your life.

Secondly that of be youth is good u feel young,strong you feel like the king of the world.Is a very good sensation you feel with power for make what you want and that's a nice sensation.Is truth whwn you are youth you feel so good but if I can choose I don't want be youth for ever.

In conclusion the youth is good but in my opinion have to be short.


One man wanted to take money from a hotel in Los Angeles.
He went into the hotel. He asked about the price of a room. Then he asked for money. The receptionist gave him money.
But, during this time, people came into the hotel. They were two fighters. They had a tournament in the town. They took the man and got him to the ground.
They waited for the police. The police took the man to the police station.


It is the latest in intelligent processing of waste and premiere just in the holland city of Groningen: this is a robotized trash cans that ask the DNI who will dispose of their waste and charge you based on generating.
Six thousand have been installed throughout the city. They operate with a high performance battery that gives them a range of up to five years. With a special reader installed in the cover, allowing its opening only by presenting an identification.

Groningen is the first city but the government is thinking it all over the country.

divendres, 23 de novembre del 2012

According to studies on the surface of the North Pole this year has decreased, 3.14 km a reduction of 45%.

The associations protectors of the  environment attribute this decrease .The  Scientists say that unless reduce our production of greenhouse gases , the pole would be ice-free in a few years.

Greenpeace meanwhile organized a manifestation in front of an important oil producer with 1,800,000 persons for protest against the high production of oil.

dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012

                                                                    Final Reflection

I think my english level in 2010 was very bad I did a lot of mistakes my writings of before this year are very bad.I don't know use correctly the verbal times and also my writings been very repeateds.

Now actually my writings isn't the best but I do it better than the 2010.Also help me a lot make better my english the games with Rebeca because she is an English person and I could learn more my oral expression and this is very important for the presentations and another things.But in the idiom classroom don't like all.For example when Milko was my teacher she make me do the workbook all the time and honestly is very boring and I don't learn nothing because I do the exercise how a machine.

But when talk about good activities in english my favourite is the games in english how who is who or games for the style.

But for conclude I can say,this year I learn more than other years.

diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012



Yesterday 2 of June one person die in the conflictive disco Noche latina.The man of 24 years old Francisco Revuelto die by 13 injuries with a knife.The police say the fight make place because Francisco and another person fight for a girl.Monday 5 of June have place the funeral of Francisco.



Today in the little city of Balaguer have place an accident.In the car of the accident go the grandmother Dolors Perez the mother Cristina Perez and the two daughters of Cristina,Maria and Laura.In the accident die the little of the two daughters Cristina and the Grandmother are in the hospital with very dangerous state.The accident will produced by another car behind.


                                                                           Today is not a good day

Well I say this afirmation because today because today in the high school I haven't a good day.

The day start nextrange since 5:30 of the morning.A sucker make me a jokein my phone.This man all the time phone me and when answer he say me I'm Jooni and I know who are you..The first of the joke I laugh a little bit but when this mam phone me forty times I finish very tired and unsleepy.

But the bad day don't finish here.After can't sleep I had to get up of my bed.After my mother fell ill and for this reason I have to go walking to the school.When I was in the school my classmates say me ''You have an exam today''.And I say shet I don't remember this exam and I fail the exam.And that's is truth my mark was a 2.

After the school I return to my house and I see the TV a little bit.After see the TV I do my homework and more late I dinner.After dinner I go to sleep and when I get up the next day I remember another important thing.I have an important exam.And I say sheet.

I have very bad luck.

divendres, 1 de juny del 2012


                                                               Description of a place

Today,I'm going to describe my town Empuriabrava.

In first term I'll need talk about the water channels of Empuriabrava,this channels are full of ships and a lot of rich people who stay in Empuriabrava.Empuriabrava is like Venecia.

In second term,I'll talk about my neighbourhood,Puigmal.It's a very good place for livingas it is a residential hood,and in the summer it's fantastic.Here in the Puigmal,,my favourite place is the bowling.It's perfect to meet new people,and go to play with friends.Puigmal also has an airport for the skydrivers and it is perfect spectacle for the tourists.

FinallyI talk about the beach.The beach,which is very expensive and dirty,but I like it a lot.Also in the hood of the beach are the hood of the shops.Los Arcos,is the perfect site to buy a souvenir.For the tourists is the perfect place to spend his money.

Font conclusion,I need say,Empuriabrava is a very good place but only in summer.



Informal conversation

Introduction:These are two guys who they studied togheter until the university.They both conpleted their studies and now,after ten years they meet themselves again.
J:Is that you?
Y:Yes oh my god Joan it's been a long time!!
J:What about your life,what happened with your life?
Y:Well non,I'm working in a travel agency in Portugal.I'm very comfortable there.
J:Oh man it sounds good!
Y:And you dude what about you?
J:Nothing extraodinary,but I work in a coffee company in Brasil.
Y:Are you single or what man?
J:Yes, but I've met a lot of women in Brasil.
Y:Oh Joan you are crazy!!In my case I'm married.
J:(laughs)Oh you've become screwed!!
Y:But you've to know that I'm living in a paradise.
J:Sorry buddy.I see you someday.


(Ivan, you've to go on youtube and search with this link.)

Today the Spanish football selection play a match in the city of Verna against South Corea.The match is for prepare the players for the Eurocup.The trainer Vicente del Bosque will make play the young promises of the Spanish selection.Before the natch the Spanish selection stay in one of the most loxurious SPA of the zone.

Today in the Spanish parlament decide the referendum of save the bank Bankia with the money of the citizens.The president Mariano Rajoy is agree with the propose because the people of the PP and the same president save his money in this bank.Finally however the citizens pay the bad decisions of the bank.


Madrid vs Vitoria

Yesterday at 8:45 f the afternoon the real Madrid of Basketball play the third match of playoff vs Vitoria.The match finally end with the victory of Madrid by 13 points 69 82 with a very good actuation of Velickovic with 22 points by part of Real Madrid and for part of Vitoria the polonian Patche Lampe with 20 points.Finally the play off decide in the 5th match.

dimecres, 4 d’abril del 2012



My favourite country is Colombia,this is the country of my mother but for me is my country.

In first, I need speak about the best thing of the country,the girls.The girls in Colombia in my opinion are the most beautiful ladies in the world,because the colombian girls are very exotic and very intelligent.Another good thing of Colombia is the coffe,is the best of the world the taste is very delicious and all the mornings in my house my family drink coffee.

In second term colombia is a very bad site for stay,because in Colombia all the people go with his pistol and dealt with cocaine.Is the bad thing of this beautiful
,I need recommended Colombia for your holidaysbut not for along time.



Today I'm going to talk about my favourite song make it clap of Sean Paul and Busta rhymes.

In my opinion is the best song because the rhymes of busta rhymes are the best.Also the girls in the video are very pretty with big asses and big boobs.But the best thing about this song is the rhytm,the singer clap and agree a very good base of the dj and is fantastic.

In second term,Sean Paul with his stronger voice and his good rhymes,give a song a very good sound.In the video,appareance another singer.I don't remember his name but in the video do a very fun things,and I laugh a lot when I see this video.

In conclusion this song is good because the mi of the three artist is very strange but good.

diumenge, 4 de març del 2012

Fast food

Today  I'm going to speak about the fast food.

The fast food is one of the most deadlys foods in the world because it has a lot of trans fats.The trans fats are very bad for the healthy because hurt your heart.And other bad things of this is equal a drug the people eat a lot of this food and for this reason in the worls are a lot of fat persons.And this type of food do diabetis a very bad thing for your healthy.

In conclusion the trans fats are the worst thing of the gastronomy of the worls I hate this and I haven't eat nothing of this hamburgers hot dogs etc..

The oral presentation is in the blog of Youssef because we do togheter.
                        Colombian food

Hello today I'm Going to speak about the food of my country Colombia.

The Colombian food is very good ,in a colombian diet the principal ingredient is the rice,in Colombia the people eat a lot of rice in all the types of food in a colombian diet the rice is here.For this reason the colombian people is very strong and healthy.

The colombian food is very variety and healthy and in colombia are not a fat people.Another good food of Colombian diet is the arepa.The arepa is very similar tham the bread but is very good and very healthy.

In conclusion the colombian food is the best in the world I recommended you.


Hello today I'm going to interview a young boss of restaurant Javi,this men open a restaurant when he was 16 years old.

Well How are you¿?
Good thanks.

OK,Why do you open a restaurant and not other business?
I open a restaurant because i like a lot the food.

What type of food do your restaurant?
Colombian food because my wife is from Colombia.

It's hard this job?
Yes it's hard because need a lot of hours.

You are a hardworker?
Yes for this reason I haven't a social life.

You work in a restaurant with your family?
Yes, with my mother and father.

It's hard work with the family?
No I like a lot.

The final question what is the name of your restaurant?

Ok thanks for your attention see  you later.

dissabte, 3 de març del 2012



The last day in Toronto was celebrated the match Toronto vs Memphis.The memphis of Marc Gasol win the match in the ultimate time of the match.The MVP of the match was Marc Gasol with 25 points and 10 assistants.



The last days in Vlencia the police hurt a lot of people because the students of all Spain need more money for her schools and high schools the President Rajoy do a lot f cuts in the presuport of education.



The last month one of the biggest artist of music panorama dead in her apartment of beverly hills Los Angeles the artist is Whitney Houston.The artist dien in her bath in the night,whitney die after the birthday of her daughter.All the worls heard her songs.
                       Tirant lo blanc

Tirant lo blanc, is a medieval book this book has wrote by Joanot Martorell one knight of 1500 in Ctalonia.

In my opinion this book it's too good because told the story of one of the most powerfuls and strong knight,Tirant lo Blanc this book told all of the knights with all the details her loves, his battles and a lot of other things.Also Martorell's book told a very real story and you transport to 1500 when reads the book I like a lot this sensation.

I recommended this book a lot of person this book it's so long but is very interesting.
                  Personal description

Hello today I'm going to describe my friend Javi.

In first term I'm going to speak honestly,my friend is very uggly.When he walks in the street all the ladies scare and run away.His face is very strange because he has a big nose and big eyes and his mouth it's so little.His body is very slim,he is a skeletic person.And other bad thing about javi's body is his allergic reactions,this men is allergic to a lot of things.And a lot of time cry because is allergic reaction.Oh!!Poor Javi,his life is very difficult.

In second term I'm going to do a psychological description.Javi is a funny person,I always laugh with him.Because he told very good jokes.He is a stupid and crazy person.Also Javi is a good person because his dog is very ill of it's right leg and Javi sometimes go to the veterinary for his dog xiska.He is a example of good person.