diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011



Hello everybody welcome to my program today I interview Joan Roure one of the best basketball players.

1.Hello, How are you?
Fine, thanks

2.Ok, Why do you choose play basketball and not other sport?
Because I prove play football but I'm a bad player for this reason one friend recommend me play basketball and I prove and I like it.

3.You are small than the other players, it's difficult play basketball?
With my talent it's so easy.

4.Which is your first club?
Club basket Castelló, a small club in Castelló d'Empuries.

5.What is your record in a match?
46 points vs LA Lakers

6.What do you think about lockout of NBA?
In my opinion is a bad joke, because destroy the best league in the world.

7. For finish the interview the ultimate question, you return to play in Spain?
Yes, in a future I like the propose, and a long future I accept any offert of Spain.

 Thank you for this interesting interview, please return other day. Bye Bye.

(In a especial colaboration of my friend)

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