diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011


The two stories in my opinion are so different for this reasons.

In first thirteen is a rebel teenager,Adrian Mole is a stupid, in my opinion are so different but in the same time are equal because the two teenagers drink beer drugs etc...Other big diference is the obssesion of Adrian with her penis he measure all days this men is stupid.

The girl of thirteen is agood girl but the bad companies make bad and Adrian is a nerd and her only objective is do the love any day.The history of thirtee it's so sad and the story of Adrian it's funny and the same time it's extrange.

In conclusion Adrian is a stupid boy and the girl of thirteen is rebel.



Hello everybody welcome to my program today I interview Joan Roure one of the best basketball players.

1.Hello, How are you?
Fine, thanks

2.Ok, Why do you choose play basketball and not other sport?
Because I prove play football but I'm a bad player for this reason one friend recommend me play basketball and I prove and I like it.

3.You are small than the other players, it's difficult play basketball?
With my talent it's so easy.

4.Which is your first club?
Club basket Castelló, a small club in Castelló d'Empuries.

5.What is your record in a match?
46 points vs LA Lakers

6.What do you think about lockout of NBA?
In my opinion is a bad joke, because destroy the best league in the world.

7. For finish the interview the ultimate question, you return to play in Spain?
Yes, in a future I like the propose, and a long future I accept any offert of Spain.

 Thank you for this interesting interview, please return other day. Bye Bye.

(In a especial colaboration of my friend)


When I was in first of ESO I travelling to Colombia with my family.In this travel I stay in alot of sites with my mom and my brother I stay in Cali,Bogota etc.. But the best in the travel was visit my family because I love my family.

In first I travel in plane,the travel it's so long 16 hours, but I don't boring in the plane.When I was in Colombia in first I go to Cali,in the of my granmother Emperatriz.The house it's so big because in the house live a lot of people.In the house I slept so good but for bad luck I live only 15 days.

In second I travel to Bogota the most important city of Colombia.IN bogota I stay 15 days but I do a lot of funny activities climbing,tourism etc...In my stay I slept in a hotel.Bogota it's a beautiful city but in my opinion is better Cali because my family live here.

I don't forgot this travel in my life


When I was in 4 ESO i travel to Italy with my class,the travel was so enjoying because I travel only and my mother don't control me.

In first I go to Italy with plane the travel it's so short only 2 hours.The first city in Italy was Firenze'is a beautiful place because are a lot of monuments aand a lot of interesting things.But for bad luck I stay only one day.

In second I go to Siena with my group of three, and I visit all Siena I walk a lot of time and I finish exhausted but the city it's beautiful and good.For finish the day I slept in a hotel.

In third I travel to Roma the best city of the Toscana and Italy.In Roma I visit a lot of sites the coliseum,the circ etc...In Roma I stay two days the best days of the travel.

And finally I return to Spain in a ship.The travel it's so long but I don't boring because in the ship are a lot of activities.The best travell in my life for the moment.

dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011



Hello everybody my name is joan roure and I'm going to speak about the cocacola.Cocacola has born in 1886 in Atlanta united States.In first term cocacola utilised for a medicinal drink in the army but for the pass of the time the people drink for pleasure.In this work I speak only about fanta, Cocacola and aquarius.The best drinks of Cocacola.
The fanta has born in 2002.This drink is ideal for the sunny and the hottie days.This drink is compose for quimical products 8% of orange juice and sugar.In my opinion is the best drink.

In second termI speak about aquarius the perfect for do sport.Aquarius is compose for quimical products,sugar and water.

And finally I speak about the most famous drink in the world cocacola.This drink is perfect for all the situations.This drink is compose by cola,sugar and cafeina.

Thank you and excuse me for do the presentation in a house.



Hello my nme is Joan Roure and I live in Empuriabrava in the street Puigmal.I'm 16 years old.I study first of Batxillerat in IES Castello d'Empuries.I would like a loyer in a future.This year I started to play basketball in Castello.In this moment I'm a bad player but I learnt very fast.

I live in my house with my brother Francesc my mother Consuelo and my cat Maca.I play basketball but I love see and play football.My team is Barcelona but my favourite player is Zidane.

I live and born in Spain all of my life but my mother is from Colombia.Colombia is a beautiful country but I prefer Spain because Colombia it's dangerous.

Definetly my life it's so good.


The coca cola company has born in 1886 in Atlanta,United States.In first time the coca cola has utilised in the american by a medicinal drink because cocacola contain cafeina.

But for the pass of the time the cocacola function has changed and this moment utilised only for drink not for a medicinal drink.In 1950 cocacola was drink in all of the world Europe,America,Asia and other countries.For this reason cocacola is one of the biggest multinational in the world and in this moment is the most drink liquid in the world down the water.

But cocacola in this moment do 46 different types of drink aquarius,fanta etc...For this reason the boss of cocacola is one of the most richest men in the world.

And finally for conclude this work the cocacola is the best drink in the world.


Last saturday I'm going to Girona with my baskertball teamfor play vs Sant Josep,the match was celebrated in the morning at eleven o'clock.Before the match my trainer Jose speak with me and the rest of the team about the match.After this was celebrate the match in the first time Sant Josep win by eight points only,in the second win by 17 points because Sant Josep is the first in the classification.In the third time Sant josep win but only for 12 points because the team play so goood but finally my team lose for 21 points.I play the match but only 30 seconds because in my team the people it's so good and this is my first year in basketball.After the match my trainer speak with all the team about the team.The trainer felt so proud because my team play so good.
I don't play the match but I feel so good because I saw a very good match and my team play so good.

divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011


Saturday 19 th of november play the Futbol Club Barcelona VS Zaragoza.In this match Barcelona search the victory because Real Madrid is down by 3 points and it's very important win the 3 points.The problem of Barcelona is lionel Messi because arrive to Colombia hurt of the leg and don't play the match.Messi is a very important player by the Barcelona and is a disgrace the lesion for the fans of Barcelona.In the same time Real Madris play in Mestalla VS Valencia this match is a derby.


In this moment I speak about of one of the most problems in the actual economy the greek crisis.This crisis has produced because the greek administration is very bad and say a lot of lies.But this is the small problem because more banks leave money to Grecia a 8% of interes but the greeks they can't return the money.For this reason the union european celebrate a congres in Bruselas for search solutions.In Grece in this moment the president Papa andreu do a referendum by search solutions.


Last in all the chanels in Spain was do the front to front of the milenium the candidate of PP Mariano Rajoy vs the candidate of the PSOE Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba.Mariano Rajoy has speak about the problems of the Spain the crisis the deficit etc...But don't make a solutions.But Rubalcaba search a new alternatives solutions and more important thinks for the future of the Spain in my opinion the winer of the combat is Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba and in my opinion is the next president of Spain.