diumenge, 12 de maig del 2013

Wert law

Nowadays,the spanish education is suffering a crisis because the government is trying to privatize our education.

In one hand,Jose Ignacio Wert Education secretary is promoting a new law called Logse.This polemichal law   is looking for destroy the public school,want gather money against the education of all the Spaniards.I think the echonomical issues haven't to go against the citizens and less to our future citizens,the kids and for me is be too cynical   the only action of prupose the law.

In the other hand,I'm happy because all the spanish educative sector is copering for don't let the government aprove the law.Teachers,students and all the related people with the education.That's too positive because prove one thing everybody is against this law.Before aprove the law in the parliament everybody demonstrate against the law and for this reason the law is postposed.Great!!

To sum up,I think this law is a attempt against all the spanish citizens.

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