divendres, 5 d’abril del 2013


C.Puigmal, 388, B, 

Thursday 4th of April of 2013

Mariano Rajoy Brey
President of Spain
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, s/n,

 Dear Mr President,

I am writing this letter to condemn the administration of PP.I want to condemn this government because they usually violate  a holy human right to everybody, everywhere "the right to have a home".

In this moment many citizens in Spain are being evicted because they can not face  their debts with banks.In the Spanish constitution this right is very explicit and can not be violated then "Why does the government let violate this right?"The action of the banks is unconstitutional and non ethical then"Why the echonomical things are more important than human things?"Personally,I believe this situation is very sad and in welfare state is inconceivable.I'm only one person but,this letter is from all the evicted persons who want a response from the government to solve this bad situation and from your power position you have to react and respons for the Spaniards

To end, this reality have to be solve it by the government and if the situation is not solve it quickly the damaged Spanish people react accordingly.

Yours sincerely.Joan Miquel Roure Ortiz




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