dissabte, 2 de març del 2013

Is our royalty the worst of Europe?

Nowadays,many people is doubting about our politicians and our royalty by the usual cases of corruption and scandals like Botswana.Is our royalty the worst of Europe?

Firstly,the spanish people is tired of the royaltyEvery single day the people have to listen in the news or in the newspapers the numerous cases of corruption like Urdangarín case or Botswana hunt of the king.In addition they are playing with the public money of all the spanish people,wasting the money in stupid things while the people is evicted by the banks.

Secondly,the royalty have to give example to the normal people.Are they a good example?I don't think it.Nowadays with the hard echonomical crisis,the royalty have to have empathy with the normal people,and help the country been more austere,reducing their spend money and don't involve in cases of corruption.

To sum up,I think the king and their family are very rascal and I think they have to exiliate of our country.





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