diumenge, 3 de març del 2013



Here I present my oral presentation of my research project.Here I talk about my research project his parts and the principal concepts.


I think,this oral presentation go very bad.Firstly,my power point didn't open,this make me feel more nervous,this plus don't prepare it in my home the oral presentation make me feel many times haven't words and forget concepts.In my opinion,the only good thing of my oral presentation was my fluence and my good humor.


Four special boys are born


In the Valentine's day a woman delivered four kids in the same day but the kids are special because born in two sets of identhical kids.The woman is fom Texas and the kids born in Houston this fact only succes  in the range of 1 in 70 milions.The kids born in the same placenta.



I was twisting when I saw this piece of new,never in my life I saw a fact of this naturalese.Congratulations to the afortunate mother.


Delivered:give birth

Range:the limits

Placenta:part of a mother wich feeds the unborn baby

Afortunate:so lucky

Two ships were hit by another ship


A ecologist organization anti-whales say,they were hiteds by another ship of whale hunters.This organization before the attack was trying to stop a two ships of japanese whale hunters.The japanese state by law, can hunt one-thousand whales for the scientific research.

LINK: http://www.newsinlevels.com/products/two-ships-were-hit-by-another-ship-level-2/


I think,this kind of clashes are so important for the survivance of the whales and the other spices in danger of extincion because they can't protect by themselves.


Anti-whales:against the  whaler hunters

Ecologist:worried for the protection of the environment

Men steals things of the cars


In Lima appears a new trend by part of the thieves.Many thieves when the city is very congested take advantage of this and steal things of the stopped cars.This kind of acts normally are very violents.The police  of Lima is thinking in increase the penalty for this kind of acts for scare the thieversThe govern of Lima is very concerned ny that,



I think, this kind of acts have to have more penaltys by part of Lima administration for scare the thievers.


Congested:Full of trafic

Take advantage of:(Aprofitar)


The coldest village in the world


This piece of news told the story of a Russian village,this village has been called "the coldest village" in all the world.Oymyakon is a little village in Siberia,this village regist temperatures routinely drop to below minus 60.This village is very cold and inhabited and with no many habitants,in this town you shiver all time.For live in this village you have to be very hardy.



I think, this people of this little village are very strong and prepared for the cold temperatures.People like me can't suport temperatures like this village temperatures.


Shiver:shake of cold

Hardy:Strong and healthy

Old document saved in Africa


Timbuktu is a city in Mali.This city save many old documents of too importance.Timbuktu has been attacked by rebel soldiers.The people of the village try to save documents,the people of the village put the documents in sacks.But by bad luck around 3000 ancient documents were destroyed for this the UNESCO give a grant of 7.5 milion of euros for repair the village and the documents.



In my opinion, are very sad this kind of piece of news because by intern problems of a country in particular all the world have to haven't acces of many ancient documents of a main importance for the history of the world.


Sacks:Big bags


Grant:Scolarship but not in school

Players went to concert


This piece of news,told a very strange fact.Told the story of a turkish basketball team,this team go to a opera concert.The team was very bored,any player was sleeping and they want to return to home.When a opera song finish the audience get up and star sound a music pop song.All this was part of a hidden camera joke for promote this basketball team.



Personally I think this kind of jokes are perfect ideas for promote the basketball teams and for the people follower of the team is perfect for see his team been joked.


Audience:People of the theatre.


dissabte, 2 de març del 2013

Sex without love

Love is moved by strong feelings,and sex by insticts and hormones.In my opinion one can exist without the other.

Firstly,sex manytimes is casual.For example I can be talking with any girl and 5 minutes after be making sex with her.Because sec can exist with love but also can exist without love.

Secondly,many people don't like the commitment,they only want make to make sex and have a good time with unknowed person.You don't have to be in love to make sex.

To sum up,ssuch as sex and love are things many times complementaries but in contrast they can be separated.









  • Genre: Drama
  • Film running length: 165 min
    (excl trailers and advertisements)
  • UK Release Date: 18/1/2013
  • Directed by: Quentin Tarantino
  • Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • Distributor: Sony Pictures
Who's in it?
Jamie Foxx, Don Johnson, Leonardo DiCaprio


Django is a fim directed by Quentin Tarantino.Is the story of a blackman slave called Django,helped by a crazy headhunter while he go to work in a cultived field captured by a white men.The head hunter helps Django with only one condition if he helps during the winter to make his job.When the winter ends Django and the head hunter go to Mr Candy and their family home to help the Django girlfriend.After too action and many death including the head hunter and Mr Candy Django and his girlfriend elopes together to a better life.


Django,in my opinion is one of the best films of this year,also in my opinion is one of the best films of Tarantino.Because include all the normal elements of Tarantino films and the actors are very good.



Head hunter:caza recompensas

Cultived field:plantació

Elope:fugir amb l'enamorat

Is our royalty the worst of Europe?

Nowadays,many people is doubting about our politicians and our royalty by the usual cases of corruption and scandals like Botswana.Is our royalty the worst of Europe?

Firstly,the spanish people is tired of the royaltyEvery single day the people have to listen in the news or in the newspapers the numerous cases of corruption like Urdangarín case or Botswana hunt of the king.In addition they are playing with the public money of all the spanish people,wasting the money in stupid things while the people is evicted by the banks.

Secondly,the royalty have to give example to the normal people.Are they a good example?I don't think it.Nowadays with the hard echonomical crisis,the royalty have to have empathy with the normal people,and help the country been more austere,reducing their spend money and don't involve in cases of corruption.

To sum up,I think the king and their family are very rascal and I think they have to exiliate of our country.





One Piece

One Piece is a manga published by Eichiro Oda at 1995.Nowadays is one of the most watched animes in all the world.

One piece is stared by Monkey D Luffy and his tripulation "The Mugiwaras" they are a group of pirates in want of adventures and big treasures.Monkey D Luffy has been  inspired by other pirate Gol D Roger the most famous pirate in all the world.The Luffy's dream is be the most famous pirate in all the world.

The tripulation of Luffy are:Zoro,one of the best swordman, pursuing be the best,Sanji,a good cooker pursuing be the best cooker,Nami,beauty and intel·ligent girl,and Ussopp with no special talents but with a nose like a Pinocho.

To sum up,One Piece is one of the best animes nowadays and in my opinion the best


Manga:còmic japonés

Anime:còmic japonés